Thursday, January 13, 2011

Family Practice vs. Pediatrician

Alot of people balked when I originally decided to keep my children at the family practice of doctors that I frequent. Several people outright told me I should choose a pediatrician instead. However, I could NOT be more please with the staff at this practice of Dupage Medical Group. Each doctor there is kind, compassionate, a great listener, and always goes above and beyond with myself, as well as the rest of my family. And truly, there is nothing like being able to call and book all three of us at the same place when we feel crappy. This week, 3 of the 4 of us had to make a visit to the doctor's office, thanks to an unending cold. We did not see the kids' usual, Dr. Love, whom they adore, but we did see my wonderful doc, Dr. Martin. She is young and spunky and friendly, and for some reason whenever we see her, the kids are at their most precocious. I will take you through our most recent visit, and you will see why I left red faced, and thankful for her patience.

First we all enter the waiting room, greeted by name by the desk staff, as we are there so frequently, it seems they know us. I inform them that I should get some sort of break for keeping them in business, and they make a crack about our kids being everyone's favorite patients. Maggie proceeeds to tell everyone that she is going to have a baby sister named Go Go. We pay our copay and wait.

Miles and Maggie both impatiently begin to ask when their turn will be, and when they will get to see Dr. Love. Luckily, just as I remind them that we will be seeing mom's doctor, Dr. Martin, they call us back. Jeremy helps gather coats and we tromp our 2 younglings, snow boots and all, down the narrow hallway to the biggest room they can give us. We load in and wait.

The 2 kids fight over who gets to go first and we decide youngest to oldest, just in time for the nurse to begin taking temps and other stats. Miles fully cooperates with the temp taking and the pulse ox of his fingers, but panics slightly when he realizes the nurse will only check his oxygen on one finger. He kept saying, "More fingers" and pointing others at her. He then demanded she check his ears, at which point we reminded him that it was the doctor's job. We got through Maggie's stats. We got through my stats. Whew, step one complete.

Dr. Martin walks in and shakes my hand, greeting me with a smile. Maggie says, "Hi Dr. Martin, guess what! Miles peed on his own head today." Jeremy shrugs with an "it happens" sort of look on his face. Maggie bursts into peals of laughter. I avoid eye contact. Dr. Martin tries not to laugh, but is sure to acknowledge Maggie for sharing.

Miles' turn. Dr. Martin checks him out. Listens to his lungs. He winks at her. (as much as a two year old can.) He demands she look at his ears. She does. One kid down.
Miles proceeds to try, repeatedly to reach his hands into the biohazard garbage. He jabs at the buttons on the scale. He throws himself down on the floor. Jeremy exits the exam room carrying Miles. Miles yells, by Dr. Martin. She laughs again.

Maggie's turn. Dr. Martin directs all questions at Maggie, as though she is an adult patient. It went something like this.
Dr. M: So Maggie, what brings you in today.
M: I have a real bad cough.
Dr. M: Oh yeah? What kind of cough? Is it dry? Do you cough anything up?
M: Sometimes I cough stuff up. Then I have to spit it in the garbage can. Its gross.
Dr. M: What color is it?
M: Just white.
Dr. M: Anything else, fevers, runny nose?
M: Nah, no fever, but I have to wipe my nose alot.
Dr. M: Ok, are you taking anything over the counter for it?
Sam: Oh, just some homeopathic honey cough syrup.
M (to me in a whisper): What about the purple medicine?
Sam: Shhhh, I'm talking to the doctor.

Maggie waits while the doc checks me out, and which point Maggie gets bored and tries to lift my shirt to show the doctor her baby sister. Dr. Martin offers Maggie the chance to help check me out. While looking in my ears she lowers the exam table so Maggie can peek in as well. She then proceeds to finish my exam, squatting down low because she hasn't put the table back up. Dr. Martin laughs again, and I apologize for all the craziness my family has brought to the office.

The best part about this whole zoo of a trip to the doctor's office is that they enjoy our visits. They love my kids, and they never cease praising them for being the best patients. So I ask, with such a positive experience, why would I ever consider switching the kids to a pediatrician?

Do you have a preference of one for the other? If so, why?

1 comment:

Abby said...

I read this yesterday on my phone but didn't have a chance to comment. We see a pediatrician but I totally get why you'd want to stay with family practice. I actually think that makes more sense, long-term, as your kids will be able to keep going there as they grow up. It sounds like a great place!