Saturday, July 19, 2008

Names. . .

We're still struggling for a boy's name. Granted we have a while until we need to name our child, but its still discouraging. We found one we both like. . .which is a tremendous feat. But I'm debating whether to share it yet or not. Its not set in stone like our girl's name. Sometimes its hard to hear whether people love or hate it. Ultimately its our kid, so we'll name them what we want. At first I thought we were having a girl again, but now I'm not so sure. Who knows?

Cute story about Maggie while I'm here. Maggie loves to read, and one of her favorite books is, "5 Little Monkies." I caught her "reading" to herself the other day in her room, turning the pages of that book, each time saying, "No mumpies Bed" and shaking her finger at them. It was cute, and I could watch her do it for hours and hours. I'll try to get it on video sometime and add it on here. Its pretty stinking adorable!


The Drakes said...

i love it!!!!! you tell 'em maggie. we shared ari's name before he was born (as one of a few options) and got some not-so-enthusiastic responses - but it's still his name and now some people meet him and say they love it. do what you want. -- j

Molly said...

Yay for names!!! You are not alone in thinking that boy names are hard. We had such a hard time with them!! Maggie is English, so I'd check out some english names... here are a few that are off the top of my head!!

Benjamin (Ben)
Brett (unless you are a Bears fan!)
Drew (which could be short for Andrew)
Elias (LOVE this one!!)
Joshua (Josh)
Matthew (Matt)
Milo (I know this is out there, but I think it's sooo cute!)