Thursday, March 25, 2010

Learn How to Drive

Today we were on our way to the Y.M.C.A to do our usual Thursday routine. While on the way, for no apparent reason, my dear daughter says, "Learn how to drive people." She paused, and then said, "I know I'm not the boss mom, but I just had to tell those people that. They should know how to drive already."

Also, we toured a preschool today that we are considering for our rambunctious girl. She thought it was nifty and now we just need to pray about it and make sure we are making a wise decision, but it was a very nice school, and a Christian one at that. Its run by 2 very nice ladies that I know through church. Other than that, not a ton going on around our front.

Hope all is well across the world.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Heart of a Child

I had a sweet discussion with my girl today. It went a little something like this.

Enter Sam attempting to put on a pair of boots.

Maggie says,"Mommy are those rain boots."
Sam, "No, just regular boots. It would be nice to have some rain boots, but I don't need them. Did you know there are some people that don't have any shoes at all?"
Maggie, "We have lots of shoes. Maybe we should get them some!"
Sam,"Yeah, we have a lot of shoes we don't wear anymore or don't fit. Maybe we could get all those shoes together and give them to help people that don't have shoes."
Maggie, "Mommy that is a GREAT idea!"

Children have the best hearts. They maybe be selfish and not like to share. They may want their brother or sister to go far away, but when they see someone in need, they want to act. My Maggie is no different, and I am proud of her tender heart. I love that girl.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My babies

My babies are getting quite big. There is nothing like them in the whole entire world.

Miles' newest adventures include the following:
-Running everywhere
-Rolling over the dog and cuddling her on her bed while drinking his bottle
-Drinking a bottle (even though he should be over this by now)
-Saying a couple of words Mama, Dada, Dog, Nigh Night, Yeah, Baba, and my very most favorite Gigi, its what he calls Maggie, and it may be what I start calling her
-He's figured out how to turn the crank on the Jack in the Box and gets endless amusment from it
-Giving and blowing many kisses, he is a lover
-Hiding behind Mama's legs, he is a total Mama's boy
-He is forever sniffling and coughing, and I am beginning to worry that he has some real allergies going on. It would be a shame for him if it was the dog, but a joy for me.
-Sticking his fingers up his nose
-Torturing his sister by always trying to get ahold of her favorite things, but he waits to grab them until he knows she is looking

Maggie's Newest Adventures:
-Rambling a mile a minute about everything under the sun
-Playing with friends
-Dancing to all kinds of music (her favorites are Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, and Lady Antebellum)
-Holding hands with her best friend while driving through the carwash that she is usually afraid of. J was supposed to be brave and hold her hand. He did, but then he ended up getting "just a little scared of the brushes."
-Crafts, the girl LOVES anything crafty
-Playing outside, now that the sun is finally making small infrequent appearances
-Begging for sweets, a new favorite REDVINES! She is my daughter surely and truly
-Snuggling while watching a movie
-Telling me she loves me more than the whole entire world