Sunday, February 15, 2009


So our house has been full of germs and sickness the past couple weeks. It all started with Jeremy getting a really bad cold. Somehow it managed to be 2 weeks after he was sick and almost better that Maggie and I got sick at the same time. She ended up spiking a fever that lasted 4 days, and we both got the stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, wicked cough thing. Then we are both getting better finally after about 2 weeks, and we think Miles is in the clear right? Wrong. He starts getting a stuffy nose, so I figure if thats all it is, then he just won't get it as bad as us. Then he starts coughing, and tonight he gets the fever of 101. I feel like we just can't all seem to shake this. I'm so worn out by everyone being sick around me. Its starting to depress me and I am so sad to see little Miles so sick. So pray for us if you think of it.

1 comment:

The Drakes said...

what kind of mutant are you all carrying? two weeks is a long time for that stupid thing to live. hope you guys can get some rest and long naps soon. snuggles to the fam and smiles to miles!!!! - j

**the word verification is having me type coldec.'s the mutant!