Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Bird is the Word

My little birdie girl has been full of gems lately, so I just thought I would share.

She has taken to noticing things that are alike and different. For example, if we both have red shirts on, she is almost sure to tell me so. If something has changed, she is sure to point it out. Unfortunately for us, this also goes along with strangers that are different, or friends that are different. She very recently realized that there are different skin colors out there, and after much explanation, I thought that she had come to terms with "its what's inside that counts." Until she told her Aunt Jess's friend that she could not kiss her goodnight, because her skin might turn brown. . .I guess there is only so much you can do with a 3 year old. They have their entirely 3 year old logic.

She is my mini-me to the extreme. As she continuously interrupted a conversation I was having, I was just about to turn to her and send her away. Upon making eye contact, she told me this instead. "Focus mommy, focus. I don't have all day."

My last Maggie gem, has to do with breaking the thumb sucking habit. We can't seem to do it. I finally caved and bought that foul tasting nail polish that is supposed to discourage it. I thought it was going to work, when for a whole day she stopped, and upon forgetting at bedtime broke into tears about the bad taste. However, by morning she had quickly realized that upon sucking for long enough, the taste goes away. I painted her nails 5 times with it yesterday. I give up. For Maggie, it was a waste of 12 dollars. I know that it works for other children, and if you think yours might be one, send me your address and I'll gladly mail you the bottle. I felt defeated at bedtime last night, and I teased her as I tucked her in with good night kisses. TERRIBLE good night kisses. A word of warning to you all. If you plan to use the nail polish, and your child is as stubborn as mine, don't kiss them good night. After a full day of her sucking off the nail polish, she tasted awful.

Oh girl of mine, you were born to teach me patience. I have a lot to learn.

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