Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Maggie's first swear word

So, I was in the bustle of spring cleaning. I was re-organizing, and cleaning the daughter's bedroom. Everything was looking fine and going well. Then I decide its time to rifle through bins of clothing, and thus begin to pull a rubbermaid bin down from the shelf. In doing so, deluxe scrabble and a large set of dominoes tumbles onto my face. In the heat of the moment, I let a word slip, that I must be saying a little to often lately. I slip and say "shit." Then what do my wondering ears hear? I hear my little daughter rattle off that same word. So I bend down to her level and tell her that mommy said a bad word, and we won't say that word anymore. Thinking its over and done with I continue in my work. Still I hear Maggie wandering around repeating said word over and over and over again. Because I ignored her, the behavior stopped. Until today, when I forgot something on the way to work and had to turn around. I yelled crap. And Maggie said, "SHIT." Its a very difficult feat to reprimand your little one while laughing. Something I have yet to master. What a little mockingbird.

Here is a picture of Maggie the copycat trying to put my shoes on. Its what she does when she's not trying to use my tooth brush, wash her face like me, wear my clothes, or put on my jewelry. She's always trying to do whatever I do. Just goes to show that I better watch myself.


Resa said...

Thats so funny! I think that was the first and only swear word that my kids said. She's so freakin' cute.

Eric said...

totally reminds me of this

The Drakes said...

that is F*cking awesome! I cant wait to see what Ari's first swear word will be. Im sure it will be a very bad one.