Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tell me how. . .

Tell me how a 1 1/2 year old learns words you never taught her! We were at a baby shower yesterday, and she was running around pointing out all the usual things. Balloon! Ball! Baby! Berries! Cheese! Then she runs up to the table and yells out CUPCAKE! Sure enough a plate of cupcakes stared back at me. Maggie had never had a cupcake prior to that day, at least to my knowledge. She had no doubts about what a cupcake was, and the fact that she wanted one. Not only did she want one, but she wanted one badly. Badly enough to throw herself on the floor.

Besides that, when she was done being there, and when she decided it was time to leave, she blatantly told me, "WANNA GO!"

This girl is going to be hard to shut up very soon. Not that I would want to yet anyway. She is pretty hilarious. The shower we went to was in Joliet, and when I asked her if she was ready to go to J-Town, she said JTOWN! Funny girl. I love her.

She has also recently decided that if Mommy and Daddy are both home, Mommy is not good enough for much at all. If she needs help, and I offer, she tells me NO Daddy. If we are swinging or playing at the park, she says NO Daddy! I figure she'll outgrow that a bit, and someday I'll be good for somethings.


The Drakes said...

wut up keens! All our kid says is ba ba ba ba, and rar rar rar, and I I I I I. I am curious what Ari is going to sound like when he actually does start talking. Im worried he will be filled with curse words, I'd say there is a better than 50% chance his first word will be the F bomb...

Hendryx2003 said...

It is crazy how they figure this stuff out, huh? Zack is the same way with bye-bye time. If we are somewhere and he wants to leave, he'll just start waving, saying bye-bye and blowing kisses.

It might be a girl thing with you. Even though I am with Zack all the time, he'd much rather have me by his side than his dad. I think Aubrey acts the same way Maggie does, though, with Amber. Hopefully baby too is a little mama's boy!

The Drakes said...

ari's a mama's boy and it sure can be exhausting. i'm sure it'll change and i'll miss it. little m is so funny! cupcake - i love it. oh, and i wanted to tell you how much i love the pic of her with the headphones on and the records behind her. reminds me of my childhood - my dad is a major music fan. -- j

*p.s. i'll understand if you don't approve this comment for your sight.