Friday, September 19, 2008

Keep on keeping on

So, nothing much is new here with the Keens. We are in the midst of preparations for the new baby. Thats about it. We are replacing the carpet in our living room Monday, an answer to prayers. Then we will be painting/staining the baby's crib and changing table. After that we will pack up the rest of the studio/office and wait for the delivery of the bedding and nursery decorations from Target. Time is flying by. I can hardly believe that in 14 weeks or so there will be another set of little feet in our house. Not so sure I'm ready for it. Work is busier than ever as we continue to hire staff, lose staff, and hire more staff. Its like a neverending cycle.

Maggie has recently taken to singing to herself pretty much all the time.
Her current favorites are, "Rain, rain, go away," "Wheels on the bus," "Row, row, row your boat," and a song from a show called Yo Gabba Gabba called "Happy." Its cute to see her singing away. She loves it. She has also recently taken a serious interest in the dog. She bothers her all the time. Constantly falling all over her, kissing her, chasing her, trying to get the dog to give chase, and just generally bothering her. Elphie tolerates it well, but I'm beginning to get fed up with the girl hassling the dog. One of these days Elphie might not be so tolerant, and then what?

Jeremy's work has been busy also! He has been working long hours, and yesterday his store set a record breaking day for sales. I guess the good thing about a bad economy is that people still need to take care of their homes, and the ReStore offers an inexpensive alternative for people to be able to keep them up, not to mention the profit all goes to a wonderful cause.

Thats the jist of it for right now.

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