Monday, October 6, 2008

Ice Ice Baby

So, as alot of pregnant women do, I have been obssessed with chewing ice. Its delicious and crunchy and just about the best thing to munch on. If its in a glass with any sort of refreshment, I find myself avoiding the actual drink and instead trying to suck up the ice and crunch away. The problem with this is that I have terrible teeth. I think I have a filling in just about every tooth in my mouth except a couple in the front. I even have a crown (onlay) on one of my molars where they took out a huge filling and decided to do something a little more long lasting. However, since I have had onlay, its broken twice I think and been replaced as many times. And what to my wondering tongue did appear yesterday? Well, let me tell you! A little jagged edge on the tooth that has the onlay. Not so good. It appears to be right along the edge of the onlay, so thusly, I have either chipped or cracked my tooth, or I have chipped or cracked another onlay. So far it doesn't hurt, though I have begun to notice a little sensitivity. I'm not looking forward to going back to the dentist yet again. Last time I had to have it replaced was the day I went back to work after Maggie was born, it broke into pieces and fell out of my mouth leaving only half a tooth. So I had to go immediately to the dentist to have it fixed. This seems more minor and may even be repairable without replacing the actual onlay. Say a prayer for me, because I really don't want to pay to have this fixed again. Maybe its time for a full crown instead of an onlay. So thank you ICE ICE BABY, and even though I feel this chip or crack, I still want to eat more ice so badly. And mostly I chew on my right side, which is where the only is. I don't know if I can avoid chewing the ice. . .so I'm not sure what to tell my good ol' chomper Doc. HELP!


Carter said...

I can loan you my "ICe Ice Baby" t-shirt that I just got (thanks to Jeremy's suggestion). Any chance you'll name the baby after Vanilla Ice now?

The Drakes said...

Dang sam, that sure stinks! I hope its not to big a deal to fix. Keep on chompin ice!

Resa said...

ohhh, that does stink. I'm totally and ice eater, I can't help it. My dentist always lectures me about it (jerk).