Friday, March 13, 2009

Life with a 2 year old

So the past few weeks have been interesting and challenging with a 2 year old and a baby. Sickness seems unavoidable, and keeps creeping up on us. But we are battling it like the best of them! Maggie is forever saying funny things.
Since she got this cold, her nose was running and she told me, "Mommy my nose is crying."

Also, when we were at Duncan Donuts, Maggie told me she liked extra cream and extra sugar in her coffee. Its yummy good. Apparently I order to much Dunkin Donuts coffee, because she knows how I like it.

Kids are great! My daughter is more fun every day, and my boy just amazes me. I'm adding new pics for your enjoyment!

This is a picture of Maggie shaving with her yogurt.

Maggie looking angelic after a bath.

Maggie changing the sheets and playing with Daddy!

My boy getting so big and handsome.

Look at that smile!


The Drakes said...

boy he IS handsome! we've got the sick right now so we feel your pain. how's the rest of life in IL? -- j

Hendryx2003 said...

I guess I'm bad about checking blogs!!! She's hilarious. Zachary tells David and I all the time that he'll drive. We are like, "Do you want to drive," to the other and he'll be like-"I'll drive Mommy's truck." Or, "I'll drive today." We wish...