Friday, April 3, 2009

The Grocery Store and Broken Bathrooms

If you want to make sure you remember everything important at the grocery store, be sure to bring your two year old daughter. I brought mine with me to Walmart. Having forgot my list at home on the counter, I struggled to remember everything I wanted to purchase. I said out loud, mostly to myself, "I think I'm forgetting something. I just can't remember." To which Maggie replies, "Hmmmmm, I know, CHOCOLATE!" Perhaps she was right.

Also, be sure to involve your daughter in the trashing of the bathroom. Tonight, when I pulled the shower curtain open, the towel bar somehow managed to fall off the wall. Maggie watched in horror as the hanging radio crashed to the floor. To which she replied, "MOM! Piece a crap! Look what you did. You break the radio. Why you do dat? This is TERRIBLE." She's right. It looks terrible, and it sounded even worse when it happened.

I'm not sure what I would do without Maggie's guidance. Perhaps she should take over the job of being mom.


Amanda Sollie said...

Just think, this is probably nothing compared to the teenage years...Sometimes I am grateful that Hannah can't talk yet : )

The Drakes said...

so freakin' funny! clarification - it was the towel bar that was a piece of crap, not you, right? did you get the chocolate? -- j