Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The birds in the neighborhood are conspiring against me. Somehow they figure out the nights that I am restless, the nights I have woken up many times for no reason. Even the nights when I have zombie dreams of my old high school. Then, around 4:30 am, they have a karaoke party in the tree in front of my house. I can still hear them even after I close the window. One of the very few houses on the block with a tree in the front yard, the birds congregate in there. I envision them saying to each other, where do you want to meet up just before sunrise? How about 778. You know, the house with the tulalips growing in the front, where the kids drop crackers and shiz. We had to stop providing bird seed for them. It didn't even seem to help. But what do you do, when you are a lone house, with a lone tree? Ask Maggie! She knows. Our morning conversation went something like this:

Maggie climbs into our bed to wake us at 6:30am.
"Morning, mom and dad" - Maggie
"Morning sugarbee. I've got to do something about those birds. Either a bee bee gun, or bird poison." - Me
"A bee bee gun mom. Then sneak out there at night, and SHOOT 'em in the NECK!" - Maggie

Jeremy and I burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"ITS NOT FUNNY!" - The Psycho little three year old girl that wants a bee bee gun


Abby said...

HA! I just love that girl of yours. She's cute and hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I love it. We had that same problem to, but we weren't the one with the tree in our yard. Thank goodness the neighbors took down one last year and the ice storm Christmas Eve took out the other one. I am going to be laughing at this all day.

Barbara said...

I HATE the birds too! I could leave a list of complaints about what disturbs my sleep! Our window faces the street and we hear EVERYTHING - err