Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day was a wealth of emotions this year as I battled the stomach flu on my special day. While I did enjoy the luxury of lying in bed all day, it was punctuated with bouts of vomiting and a wicked headache. All of this occurred as Jeremy was recovering from his stomach bug. He was the healthiest of the two of us at the time,and thus took over home duty, while I holed up in the bedroom with a garbage can and a glass of diluted water. I guess in some ways I got everything a mother hopes for on Mother's Day. The seclusion of my room, not bothered by anyone. However, I would have preferred being bugged all day by the small ones, followed up with dinner that was tasty, no sips of watered down sprite. I am feeling better today, but now that three of us have endured the attack, we are waiting it out to see if Miles gets it, or avoids it. Say a prayer for us, as we finish up the last rounds of this virus.

In other news, I am demanding a re-schedule of Mother's Day. I refuse to accept the dress rehearsal that was yesterday, and luckily for me, I have a loving husband who agrees.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Boo. Hope you get a fabulous re-do. And hope all you Keens are on the mend!