Sunday, February 24, 2008

1st Pigtails and Laundry

Maggie loves laundry. She loves going through the dirty laundry in the hamper. She loves helping me put laundry in the washer, and then putting it in the dryer. She loves unfolding the clean laundry and throwing it around. She loves empty laundry hampers. I don't know why, but she loves laundry.

Maggie also loves looking pretty, so when we realized that she could finally have little mini-pigtails, we made it happen. They turned out cute, however tiny they are. We had to use some interesting techniques to get them to stay, but I like them. Someone told me they made them think of Shrek. Go figure. . . finally enough hair to put it up and she looks like an ogre.

Note the bruise is looking better.


Hendryx2003 said...

Zack is the same way! With dishes too. So, I have him help me know because someday it won't be so fun or easy to get the help! Love the pig tails!

Anonymous said...

She'll really look like Shrek once her bruise starts turning green !!

Anonymous said...

GrpK says: Just wait until her bruise starts turning green -- then she will really look like Shrek !!