Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Potty training time

So we have been casually introducing the potty for some time. However, Maggie is quite the stubborn girl, and of late has been refusing to even sit on the darn thing, much less do any sort of pottying on it. So, today I made the big jump. I decided that once we got home from the YMCA, she would be in big girl underwear the rest of the day. To my utter suprise it worked! I expected to be cleaning up at least one puddle, but she kept them dry all afternoon. Then I began to worry that she was holding it too long, and that couldn't be good for her, so I made her sit on the potty for like 20 minutes. No results. So I just let her run around the house sans pants for a bit. I was busy feeding Miles so I figured if she had an accident I would clean it up. She was running around and then I heard her in the bathroom. All of a sudden she came out yelling, "Look Mommy, I made yellow." Sadly enough I have heard that many times and come running to nothing. Today though, I was a proud Mama. She did make yellow! And I hope this is the start of her being excited to use the potty. Lord knows I'm excited to get her out of the diapers, at least during the day! Hooray Maggie!!!

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