Thursday, March 25, 2010

Learn How to Drive

Today we were on our way to the Y.M.C.A to do our usual Thursday routine. While on the way, for no apparent reason, my dear daughter says, "Learn how to drive people." She paused, and then said, "I know I'm not the boss mom, but I just had to tell those people that. They should know how to drive already."

Also, we toured a preschool today that we are considering for our rambunctious girl. She thought it was nifty and now we just need to pray about it and make sure we are making a wise decision, but it was a very nice school, and a Christian one at that. Its run by 2 very nice ladies that I know through church. Other than that, not a ton going on around our front.

Hope all is well across the world.

1 comment:

Hendryx2003 said...

Zachary tells people the same thing!! Haha, when the light turns green he's like, "come on people, the light is green, go!" Or something like, "wow, do they know how to drive? Did you see them?" So funny. But, of course, it swings the other way too. I have a three year old back seat driver. Not so funny.