Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Heart of a Child

I had a sweet discussion with my girl today. It went a little something like this.

Enter Sam attempting to put on a pair of boots.

Maggie says,"Mommy are those rain boots."
Sam, "No, just regular boots. It would be nice to have some rain boots, but I don't need them. Did you know there are some people that don't have any shoes at all?"
Maggie, "We have lots of shoes. Maybe we should get them some!"
Sam,"Yeah, we have a lot of shoes we don't wear anymore or don't fit. Maybe we could get all those shoes together and give them to help people that don't have shoes."
Maggie, "Mommy that is a GREAT idea!"

Children have the best hearts. They maybe be selfish and not like to share. They may want their brother or sister to go far away, but when they see someone in need, they want to act. My Maggie is no different, and I am proud of her tender heart. I love that girl.

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