Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Halloween Halloween

Maggie loved loved LOVED Halloween this year! I'm glad too because it is one of my favorite holidays of all times. It reminds me of my mom, and gets me all sentimental. Anyway, Maggie was Foofa from the children's TV show Yo Gabba Gabba. No one got it, everyone thought she was a flower, but thats ok. I made the costume and it was inexpensive, so as far as I am concerned its a win win.

Maggie was so excited about handing out candy that she would almost run to the kids before they got to the house. She would say "different kids?" or try to give them a ton of candy. I had to limit them because we had so many tirck or treaters that we ran out of all the candy. We also walked her around a bit when daddy got home since we were out of candy anyway. She was so good about saying trick or treat, that she even walked up to other trick or treaters on the sidewalk, held out her bag and said trick or treat. Some kids even gave her a piece of candy because she was so cute.

Here are a couple of pics.


Eric said...

all my friend's kids love that show!

The Drakes said...

LOVE the costume! i don't know the show, but i love that you made it. cute girl. -- j